Celebrate International Beer Day at Temple Bar

Celebrate International Beer Day in our Irish pub alongside the best selection of international Guinness beers.
Cervezas irlandeses irish pub
Beer, the incomparable “nectar of the gods”, is one of the sparkling beverages that captivates many of us to refresh the hottest summer afternoons with a good company of friends. Beer can be considered one of the most precious cultural legacies of humanity, since time immemorial in prehistory, even since the discovery of Hammurabi’s code (1795 BC), its delicious presence has accompanied our ancestors and will accompany our descendants. It is for this reason that on the first Friday of August, as a historical tribute, International Beer Day is celebrated at the world and Barcelona is no exception.

Origins of International Beer Day

Although in many countries, such as the German Oktoberfest and the Irish St Patrick’s Day, there are national days dedicated to beer. The international beer day was born in 2007 from the idea of ​​a group of friends from Toronto (USA) who met annually to have a few beers annually.
men toasting with beer

Greater was the surprise when this initiative was shared at the level and was approved unanimously by associations of all kinds throughout the world. The objective of this recognition was none other than to have a special day to enjoy beer at the same time with people from all over the world regardless of distance, language or culture.

A day to celebrate the worship of the goddess of beer

Incredible as it may seem at first glance, there truly is a beer goddess. In Sumerian mythology there is a deity known as Ninkasi, a female entity to whom rituals were performed as a prayer and tribute.
Her name means “the lady who fills the mouth” and she was generally associated as the creator of the recipe for bubbling water (beer) that in the Enki myths was used as a medicine to quench thirst and sorrow.

The perfect plan for beer day

temple bar patrons drinking beer

Want to spend an afternoon in style? Regardless of your origin, language or your status, in our Irish pub you can celebrate beer day with people from all over the world, toasting in style with the best imported beers on our menu.

And if in addition…. You are a sports lover, here you will be at home!

In a special way and so that you can expand your beer culture, we will present below some of our most popular beers that you can try at Temple Bar in Barcelona. Our latest novelty is the GRIMBERGEN DOUBLE AMBRÉE, Belgian abbey beer, double malt, flavored with caramel and a soft touch of liquorice. Guinness HOP HOUSE 13 is a great-tasting blonde beer with hints of citrus on the nose. Always highlighting the Irish red MURPHY’S with a soft and fruity flavor. We also have the classic national blonde beers such as Cruzcampo and San Miguel. We cannot forget the German PAULANER and the Italian PERONI with a balance of bitterness and notes of citrus and spices. The classic black, par excellence, is the GUINNESS with an incomparable strong flavor. Choose from one of our 14 labels and have a great time with your friends in Temple Bar!
cervesas irlandesa temple bar

And after these curiosities dedicated to our favorite drink, we hope you also enjoy beer day with a good pint of Guinness in your hands.



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